



1. '''SKU XXXXX, Missing Attributes standard_product_id. SKU XXXXX does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: standard_product_id. Feed ID: 0. '''

- 品牌賣家:

- 商品備案出現問題

- 商品貨號mfrpartnumber重復或錯誤

- brand 和生產商是否填寫正確

- 普通商家:upc失效或重復


2. '''The SKU data provided conflicts with the Amazon catalog.The standard_product_id value(s) provided correspond to the ASIN XXXX , but some information contradicts with the amazon catalog.The folloing are the attribute value(s) that are conflicting: (Merchant: XXX /Amazon: XXXA).If your products is this ASIN, then modify your data to reflect the Amazon catalog values.Else, check your standard_product_id are correct.'''

- 屬性填寫錯誤,或者upc重復

- 這個EAN是被別的賣家用過了


3. '''Greetings from Amazon Seller Support, From your email, I can understand that there are product images appearing in "Description" of product listing and you'd like to know the reason.Please be informed that this product is directly dealt by Amazon warehouse so only the image from the manufacturer is being displayed in the description of the product listings as requested by Amazon. I would like to inform you that as per Amazon policy sellers are unable to add images to the description area and it is purely done by Amazon.'''

- 亞馬遜規則上是不鼓勵和支持賣家在描述里面添加圖片的,所有的圖片都應該添加在圖片區域,而非產品描述區域。

- 品牌賣家可以聯系亞馬遜官方在產品描述中添加圖片


4. '''XML Parsing Fatal Error at Line 1, Column 2315: The reference to entity "height" must end with the ';' delimiter..'''

- 圖片鏈接中不能出現&符號,?符號

- 變體信息的值中也不能出現&符號,如果是參數和變體屬性包含“&”符號的話,建議用戶用“-”替換“&”,


5. 一直上傳的話,去upload表找到對應商品,查看上傳數據的submission_id,,然后就submission_id添加到 RedisUtil("amazon_upload_queue", RedisUtil.RU_L)這個隊列里面,



6. 商品信息不一致,要先在亞馬遜后臺點擊編輯商品按鈕,看商品信息是否正確。另外要看上傳成功時商品信息是否正確,一般情況下時亞馬遜自己對商品進行了修改,因為可能不符合亞馬遜要求。如果后臺信息正確,前臺不一致,那么聯系亞馬遜客服解決。


7. '''We cannot associate an image with this SKU because the SKU was not created due to another error. Correct all other errors associated with it and resubmit your inventory file to resolve this error.'''

- 要想問一下是不是要亞馬遜后臺刪除過這些sku,,如果是的話,。解決辦法:1,等待24小時在上傳;2,更換sku和upc在上傳。如果不是,重新點擊上傳就行拉。


8. '''We cannot process this request because your account is still being setup or there is an issue with the account. Please log in to Seller Central for more details.'''

- 用戶在授權時遇到 ==請您檢查您輸入的信息是否有誤== 時,可能的原因是賬戶創建時間太短,或者賬戶本身出了一些問題。另外,只有專業賣家才可以進行授權,查看方式如下:

- '''第一步:進入Amazon賣家后臺 http://sellercentral.amazon.com 后點擊右上角 Settings---Account info'''

- '''第二步:選擇第1項“Selling Plan", 點擊右側的”Modify Plan"'''

- '''第三步: Selling on Amazon: Professional (專業賬戶) 反之如果是寫著“Individual"那就是個人賬戶'''


9. '''feed rejected'''

- 賬號問題,需要重新授權一下

- 賬戶長時間未出單



10. '''[SKU]: This SKU does not match any ASIN, and new product ASIN can not be created with this product information. [SKU]: The authority to create a new product detail page (ASIN) has been temporarily suspended because a lot of product details page (ASIN) was created with your account. However, matching (matching) between the existing ASIN and the product can continue without trouble. For details on how to avoid displaying this error message, please see the policy on product detail page (ASIN) creation. If you believe that the authority to create the product details page (ASIN) is erroneously suspended, please contact Technical Support from the link below. Https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us'''

- 考慮是用戶上傳數量到達上限,賣家每周可以上傳的數量是一定的,尤其是新賣家


11. '''Message/Product/DescriptionData/Description 字段包含無效值:

Venkes offers the best quality at low price and confidently ensure the prestige quality of our product. We carries a diverse and wide range selection of the latest trends and hottest a la mode fashion such as Boots, Military Style, Espadrilles, Flats, Lace-Ups, Loafers & Slip-Ons, Pumps, Sandals, High Heels, Platforms, s, Dress Shoes, Oxfords, and many more.

. 該字段不允許輸入 HTML 內容。'''

- 商品描述包含不合法的Html內容

- 重新編輯商品信息,去掉不合法的Html內容(包括meta標簽,title標簽,圖片鏈接或img標簽)


12. '''SKU does not match any ASIN and the product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation.'''

- 1. sku問題,和其他sku相似度太高(懷疑臉)

- 2. 亞馬遜問題,等待一段時間后上傳

- 3. 更換制造商,不要使用OEM(檢測成功,可能靠譜)

- 4. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201844590


13. '''Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU 'XXXXXX' and child SKU 'XXXXXX' that cannot be created. Your child SKU shares the same variation attributes with another child ASIN 'B00EZ6RWD8, B00EZ6RNNW', which is not allowed. Do one of the following and then resubmit your feed: 1) Correct the variation attributes for your child SKU. 2) Update your child SKU to match ASIN 'B00EZ6RWD8, B00EZ6RNNW'. 3) Assign a different parent SKU to your child SKU. 4) Remove the variation theme on your child SKU, and remove the relationship to your child SKU.'''

- 修改返個子商品變體屬性;

- 更新自己的子商品信息,確保不亞馬遜已有商品的完全一致;

- 為你的子商品指定另外一個父商品SKU;

- 初除父子關系字段(以單體形式上傳)。


14. '''his product (SKU: XXXXX) has requested an update of [[brand]:”432″]. This violates the requirement that all products in a variation family have consistent values because the variation family (Parent SKU: XXXXXX) has [[brand]:”43243232″]. If you would like to add this product to the variation family, please ensure the values are consistent.'''

- Amazon賬戶出現了問題,過段時間重新上傳就行


15. '''You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU. To proceed, please delete this SKU and recreate the SKU with the appropriate identity attribute. For more information and detailed instructions, see: http://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/23191'''

- 考慮小語種站之間不同的站點使用了相同的sku,比如德國站出現這個問題,可能是法國站之前上傳過相同的產品。

- 不同站點想要同步管理商品的話要使用完全相同的upc和sku。或者不同步的話,upc和sku都要更改。


16. '''XXXXX:You cannot change the 'item_classification' for SKU 'XXXXX' by submitting a feed with a new value. To change this attribute, do the following: 1) Submit a feed to delete the existing SKU. 2) Submit a feed to recreate the SKU with the updated 'item_classification''''

- 第一讓用戶看看這個商品是否已經在亞馬遜后臺出現了,顯示為未完成。是的話從亞馬遜后臺刪除該產品,更換sku和upc重新上傳。

- 第二讓用戶確認該sku是否之前刪除過,是的話直接更換sku上傳就行。

- 原則上是不可以針對已有的商品進行更改producttype的操作。如果前面的都不行,聯系技術,查看上傳日志,看是否用戶更改過producttype或~~變體模板~~

- 如果用戶提問,就說sku這里是亞馬遜判斷是否使用過,和我們沒有關系。


17.'''提供的商品數據不足,無法為 SKU [ID_OR_SKU] 創建變體(父/子)關系。有關更多信息,請參閱 https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/errorcode/8016'''

- 造成錯誤 8016 的最常見原因有:

- 為同一變體系列的父 SKU 和子 SKU 提交不同的變體主題。

- 子 SKU 中未填寫與變體主題關聯的變體屬性。

-- 例如,如果您將父商品和子商品的“變量主題”值指定為“尺寸顏色”,您還必須為每個子商品提供一個具體的尺寸和顏色。
