亞馬遜 無品牌商品趕跟賣郵件
We noticed that you are not authorized online retailer for XXXX brand products and you have listed the particular item(s) ASIN: XXXXXXXXX, which is sold exclusively by XXXX authorized retailers.
As you may be aware, the unauthorized selling of XXXX products is an illegal action that seriously infringes Trademark Law. As the Trademark owner we did not sell you, nor authorize you to sell, any XXXX branded products. Also you are against Amazon's policy.
We kindly request that you follow our instructions:
a) Remove your offers from all XXXX product pages on amazon.com within 24 hours, and do not list items on XXXX’s product pages in the future.
b) Send us confirmation after you have removed the previously stated products and listings.
If you don't comply with these demands, we'll have no choice but to file an official claim with the amazon.com Seller Performance Department, which will seriously impact your Amazon performance.
Here is a link of the product in question
"We have received your U.S. Trademark Application and assigned serial number ' 869134571 ' to your submission." An official notification to you!
備注:”XXXX” 代表your Brand
Second time to warn you to remove your listing on XXXX’s product page!!!
Do you know A-to-z Guarantee claims can cause a listing blocked or even accounts to death... (把第一封郵件內容附在后面)
If you dare, you can wait!!! And some day you will know what it costs.
Third time to warn you to remove your listing on XXXX’s product page!!!
Do you know A-to-z Guarantee claims can cause a listing blocked or even accounts to death... (把第一封郵件內容附在后面)
上一條:亞馬遜 無品牌備案 投訴跟賣
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2022-08-26 10:47:38 閱讀:2476 #外貿知識#
- 1怎么利用Facebook賺錢閱讀:6628
- 2電子郵件營銷的策略 閱讀:6031
- 3郵箱群發不進垃圾箱閱讀:6721
- 4群發郵箱平臺哪個好 閱讀:6121
- 5郵件推廣中的具體營銷步驟閱讀:6236
- 6如何群發郵件但不被發現閱讀:7303
- 7群發郵件如何不屏蔽閱讀:4579
- 8郵件如何群發多個不同的人閱讀:4703
- 9哪個郵箱群發效果好閱讀:4503
- 10如何群發郵件閱讀:4724
- 11電子郵件的營銷方法 閱讀:4489
- 12電子郵件雜志營銷 閱讀:4486
- 13電子郵件廣告樣式閱讀:4582
- 14郵件批量發送軟件 閱讀:4777
- 15外貿郵件群發閱讀:4437
- 16哪個郵箱群發效果好閱讀:4368
- 17郵件推廣的技巧閱讀:4628
- 18郵件如何群發閱讀:4380
- 19facebook 怎么增加好友閱讀:4569
- 20如何可以群發郵件 閱讀:4605
- 21郵件廣告投放渠道有哪些閱讀:5001
- 22批量群發郵件 閱讀:4522
- 23怎么發廣告郵件閱讀:4820
- 24郵件批量發送系統使用方法閱讀:4434
- 25群發郵件數量限制閱讀:5196
- 26批量發送個性化郵件閱讀:4583
- 27郵件怎么群發給很多人閱讀:4367
- 28如何自動發廣告郵件閱讀:4803
- 29如何群發郵件閱讀:76889
- 30郵件如何發給多人閱讀:77501